Текст песни «Ex - Oh Puckerlips Now»

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Distorted culture of these seething times\ldots it cuts to pieces, like a
Blinding knife. Bewildered, bewildering, this sea of flowing flooding
Fleeting words, drowning out the voices hurt. Hurray roars the ship in
The street, the state, the

Sc eager hate, the world capsizing in spite, in spate. Too late, she
Sinks, she sings\ldots the crest of the waves in the mouth, on the
Ridges. She reaches for infinite inanity, in vanity, where captains
Squeal for new ideals. Illusions delusions disorder, disguised as law and
Order. Oh dear, another shape to fear. The loathing-birds, the

Sc choke-chain rats, the tight-snared ties, their driveling runs\ldots
In the family. Each rascal with respect for present arms\ldots Present!
Arms! about turn! Without mercy, in his face, eat shit all he can, that
Gaping, craterjaw off course. Of course, what else you'd think; another
Ship to sink. The violence the hatred the greed, a reeking, rattling
Disease. A raging wound of pregnant boils it is, this limitless calamity.
False pearlswines, waste-watchers, powersick hurlde-razers, monstrosities
Of misery\ldots

Sc all i want is to cram and stamp and stuff it, into their ugly barking
Barfbeaks. The news filled with their stalking heads, with banquets of
Voracity; their delayziness at catastrophes; the yes-but lamentations and
Power-quests; nodding yessholes with obscene pretence; that bloodshot
Sympathy; that creeping cringing villainy\ldots The damn result? Look,
There it is: one more swine once again see that grin, as that puckerlip
Snout begins, and then\ldots Oh, will his ever come right again?
Distorted culture of these seething times\ldots Cut to pieces with a
Blinding knife. Bewildered, bewildering, this sea of flowing flooding
Fleeting words, drowning out the voices heard.