Тексты песен «Corina»


Corina - Ai Ceva

I: M-am culcat crezand ca-n zori de tine voi uita Ca noaptea te va sterge din inima mea M-am trezit plangand, visam, dormeai pe perna mea Esti chiar aici si nu te pot avea... Prerefren: Vreau, vreau, vreau sa mi te...


Corina - Chichiricheanga

Chi-chi-richi-chaching-ching-ching Cu tine mi-e bine si vreau sa te iert. II: Si umbla vorba ca tu joci murdar Ca faci afaceri aruncand un zar Dar ma iubesti atunci cand te iubesc Asta-i tot ce imi doresc. Oferi-mi...


Corina - E Viata Mea

Ce (***) mea vreti toti de la mine ? II: Merg la munte, merg la mare Tot ce fac aflu din ziare Inainte sa se-ntample Ma iubesc, ma despart Fie strada sau in parc Stressul mi se urca la tample. Nu poti face nimic...


Corina - Fara Tine

I: Te privesc si ma intreb de ce te iubesc Cum oare pot sa te mai doresc dupa atata timp ? Plang pe rand, zi de zi te-asteptam plangand Iar dimineata ma prindea visand, inca te mai simt... Refren: Oh, fara tine nu mai...


Corina - Give Me Back My Heart

There was a time when things were so right Now it seems that everything is wrong And how I'd love to change it in one night But down inside I know that love is wrong The pain I felt, has hurt more than my heart The...


Corina - Ia-Ma Linga Tine

Strange-ma in brate Iubeste-ma in secret (Totu-i asa discret) II: Stiu ca te vor multe femei dar tu ai ochii doar pentru mine Imi place sa cred ca esti doar al meu Am te fac eu sa intelegi, n-ai sa gasesti ceva ca mine...


Corina - Imi Place La Tine Tot

Don Baxter Avem o fata super sexy si zicem Baiatu vine din cartier si e pimpin N-are decat o rabla vechie intr-o roata Unde mai pui ca nu-i a lui e imprumutata Bai tata Ea canta El o zareste Se opreste si asculta Totul...


Corina - Loving You Like Crazy

Hey boy Stop look and listen It doesn't get any better than this I was in search of perfection A rainbow to fill up the sky Night after night misdirection With faces that honestly lie I sense you could be a love That...


Corina - M-Am Certat Cu Inima

M-am indragostit, e clar. II: N-am nici o grija, nu vreau Inchisa in casa sa stau Sunt la distractie Diseara merg in club cu fetele Bem un cocktail, doua, trei Rad cu prietenii mei Zambim in trecere Toti intorc...


Corina - M-Am Indragostit

Amandoi catre cer Hai vino sa privezti Stelele pe care ti le ofer Vino acum si asculta-mi inima Spune-mi doar atat:ca-ti dorewsti sa fiu a ta N-am stiut ca toate au culoare cand iubesti N-am crezut ca poti avea lacrimi...


Corina - Now That You're Gone

Let's Go! They say, be thankful girl For all that he's blessed upon you. Still I can't help but feel He's taken life from in me. All my life I've looked to him (God) For answers no one seems to have. My hands in...


Corina - Out Of Control

Oh, oh Oh, oh oh Oh, oh Oh, oh oh Oh, oh Oh, oh oh Oh, oh Oh, oh I just can't explain The pain I'm feeling over losing you You left me all alone And I don't know what I'm gonna do Thought this love would...


Corina - Suflet Pustiu

ReF. aaaaaax2 Nu mai pot sa mai zambescaaaaaa Te-am pierdutaaaaaa Nu mai vreau sa mai privescaaaaaa Iar in trecutaaaaaa Vad pamantul inghetzataaaaaa E mai caldaaaaaa Decat inaaama meaaaaaaa ReF...


Corina - Temptation

Baby, theirs something I think you should know I don't think I'll be needing you anymore It's just one of those things I'm sure you'll understand We've been together so long I never meant to do you wrong But I've...


Corina - Whispers

We only know what we see There was a love Once upon a time A fairy tale Her heart was blind, blind, oh He lived for her So happily ever after I turn the page The story fades As I call your name It makes me so (chorus)...


Corina - Whispers (Aka Whispers At Night)

There was a love once upon a time A fairy tale, her heart was blind, blind He lived for her so happily ever after I turn the page, the story fades As I call your name, it makes me so I hear whispers at night that...