Тексты песен «Cradle Of Filth»


Cradle Of Filth - Her Ghost In The Fog (Edit Version)

"The Moon,she hangs like a cruel portrait Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart And the midnightmare trampling of dreams But oh, no tears please Fear and pain...


Cradle Of Filth - Honey And Sulphur

So potent, was the star under which I was born, That I have done what no one in the world has done, Nor can ever do. Praeclarum Custodem Ovium Lupum Praeclarum Custodem Ovium Lupum All saints day the taint of rain...


Cradle Of Filth - Hurt And Virtue

Distant vistas Swathed in the haze Of the reddening sunset Fell to whispers Neath stars that marred descending skies From the cusp of midnight mountains Wending as a mist Rebels truced with Feriluce (In thruth, few...


Cradle Of Filth - Hw2

Eins Zwei Drei Vier Formulae ueteres exorsismorum et excommunicationum Strigas et fictos lupinam credere Metamorphosis lycanthropy Possunt inquam Daemon pellem lupinam Quodam cauae Arboris occultandum...


Cradle Of Filth - I Am The Thorn

The needle in the eye of the hurricane The poison in the font The nail in the coffin of the profane I am the lot Maniacal the fire That weaves inside my soul When dripping tongues of hate,envenomed,roll Like...


Cradle Of Filth - I Thank God For The Suffering

I, I still recall, the first fullmoon of May a??Neath whose rays we lay together And those bright nights on glassy waves When we would glide lightly away From the grain For wicked flights of pleasure Those...


Cradle Of Filth - Imperium Tenebrarum

Swords in hand at the bloody fields of history We rend our blades through dogma and humility Carve the future according to our will Set worlds ablaze with our seething fire Let you all acknowledge that we are here As...


Cradle Of Filth - In Grandeur And Frankincense Devilment Stirs

When light no longer rose to kiss me I swore to tear heaven asunder As flights of fallen angels wished me Godspeed on the devil's...


Cradle Of Filth - Interlude - Creatures That Kissed In Cold Mirrors.

Arch-Angel, Dark-Angel Lend me thy light Through death's veil 'till we have heaven in sight Arch-Angel, Dark-Angel Lend me thy light Through death's veil 'till we have heaven in sight Arch-Angel, Dark-Angel...


Cradle Of Filth - Into The Crypt Of Rays

Years of plead, behind the walls Chambers and vaults, Scenes of fright Unspoken Words, in pain and dread 140 lives passed his hands Gilles De Ray's... The perverted son The holy man... Into Crypts of Rays... Into...


Cradle Of Filth - Libertina Grimm

Libertina Grimm Howitzer glare and spitfire blade Wooed by Dresden serenades Her soundtrack now a bombing raid Bored of Vaudeville God was six days sober On the night that she was born To the glistening star of...


Cradle Of Filth - Libertina Grimm (Либертина Гримм)

Плюются огнём боеголовки Дрезденской серенадой соблазнены Её песня теперь – бомбардировка Водевиль поглотившее пламя войны Бог шесть дней был здравомыслящ А ночью родилась она Сверкающая звезда библейского...


Cradle Of Filth - Lilith Immaculate

Church bells resounded like judgement day As they were making love In the rainswept graveyard She fucked him hard, silhouetted by flame A monsoon Tigress set upon prey Fall for the love of me Crawl for the love of me...


Cradle Of Filth - Lord Abortion

I was born with a birthmark of cinders Debris cast from the stars and Mother A ring of bright slaughter, I spat in the waters Of life that ran slick from the stabwounds in Her Dub Me Lord Abortion, the living dead The...


Cradle Of Filth - Lovesick For Mina

One might see in Mina My disease But it is She who has infected me For all eternity... As the sun slips the tearaway stars Into the scented scheme of night I kissed her mouth like a dark red rose Set upon a...


Cradle Of Filth - Lustmord And Wargasm

An Archangel in bondage Bediademed, souled With a murder of ravens But no less Astarte to behold Abandoned by Heaven To the dead, dark and past Cast Her dispersions On life's brittle glass And though Her eyes still...


Cradle Of Filth - Lustmord And Wargasm (Lick Of Carnivorous Winds)

An Archangel in bondage Bediademed, souled With a murder of ravens But no less Astarte to behold Abandoned by Heaven To the dead, dark and past Cast Her dispersions On life's brittle glass And though Her eyes...


Cradle Of Filth - Lustmord And Wargasm (Relicking Of Cadaverous Wounds)

An Archangel in bondage Bediademed, souled With a murder of ravens But no less Astarte to behold Abandoned by Heaven To the dead, dark and past Cast Her dispersions On life's brittle glass And though Her eyes...