Тексты песен «Crematory»


Crematory - Perils Of The Wind



Crematory - Red Sky

Awakened by death, no escape Marked by pain no compassion Born from the ashes turned into dust Executed by the evil Forever despoiled eaten by fire, no mercy Red sky, red blood, red eyes The longing hand of faith...


Crematory - Redemption Of Faith



Crematory - Reflexionen



Crematory - Reign Of Fear

Ladies and gentleman here is a story about time about fear A long time ago the world was not ready he only arrived at night the horror was inside it full of creed full obsessed he prayed upon the sleeping out of...


Crematory - Reincarnation

He is coming back... Another body another face but same soul His former life is filling up with hate and pain Many people dying through his hands Uponing to tortured Uponing to tortured And agonized with blood The...


Crematory - Reincarnation (Реинкарнация)

Он вернулся... Другое тело и лицо, но та же душа. Его прежнее существование было полным ненависти и боли, Его руки погубили много людей Через пытки. Он пытал их – Они корчились в агонии, Зов мёртвых был всегда...


Crematory - Revolution

They'll never stop our will to live Free from pain and fear They cannot bring us down All you're geared Go out and justify the revolution A beginning of the age - to start revolution Now break and leave their...


Crematory - Sehnsucht



Crematory - Sense Of Time

For the sense of time... the time of your life Silence is a breed of loss - shown in your words There's no guarantee if once violence has hurt There's no way back to silence through your silent night Though your...


Crematory - Shadows Of Mine

Schatten im Angesicht des Todes Wirre Bilder alte Geschichten Der Hauch des Todes bernebelt die Sinne Fixierter Wahnsinn - Der Abhang bor dem Sprung Letzte Gendanken - Die letzle Chance Die Zeit scheint zu stehen...


Crematory - Shadows Of Mine (Тени Мои)

Тень перед лицом смерти – Неясный образ старика. Дыхание смерти прикрывает завесой чувство, Фиксируя безумие – склон перед бездной. Последняя мысль – последний шанс. Моя тень – я смотрю на её гримасу, Моя тень –...


Crematory - Shining



Crematory - Sleeping Solution

Sinking through layers of unknown prayers Inside of me I need t know If there, where I sink, in the undertow of unspoken words Is more tan I"ve ever seen The real world, more tan I"ve ever seen, The sings in me, I rise...


Crematory - Solitary Psycho

I lived in a nightmare just good and said no gone with a feeling the made us so cold while getting the madness it's crawling in us solitary psycho a sickening badness Solitary psycho no way out fearing yourself...


Crematory - Spiegel Meiner Seele

Der Mensch hat nur das eine Ziel Um das zu finden, braucht er nicht viel Denn jedem Mensch ist es vorbestimmt Welchen Weg er im Leben nimmt Doch wa?are das Leben schnell zu Ende Wenn jeder den rechten Weg...


Crematory - Sweet Solitude

Silence - Darkness - A cold gust of wind Damp fog - Flowers and grass wither Apathy - Indifference Depressions sacrified by deeper pain Sick of soliguy Solitude before death promises - Yes Seems only to be a small...


Crematory - Take

Traenen interessieren mich nicht Deine Schreie vergluehen im Licht Deine Schmerzen hat der Himmel geschickt Gefuehle haben die Wahrheit erstickt Trauer - Freude - Hass und Liebe - Leben - Sterben - Lachen und Weinen...


Crematory - Tale



Crematory - Tears Of Time

Tears of time - Lost in the light Tears of pain - Found in the self Deny your equals Destroy the testimony of days past The door of damnation open Reason as goal Destroy the beast of your thoughts - Like the dust in...