Тексты песен «Dargaard»


Dargaard - In The Omnipresence Of Death

Lyrics by Q. Horatius Flaccus Ille et nefasto te posuit die, Quicumque primum et sacrilega manu Produxit, arbos, in nepotum Perniciem opprobriumque pagi; Illum et parentis crediderim sui Fregisse cervicem et penetralia...


Dargaard - My Phantasm Supreme

Lyrics by Tharen Encrypted signs appear red glowing, contrasting the deep dark stone. Energetic they sweep before my eyes. My mind opens to an event horizon, my body fills with energy, the opening for the last chapter...


Dargaard - Nightvision

Here at the top of a mountain in a clear night under the stars that seem to fall every next moment I receive a vision. A vision of a rising empire. An union of the strong, built upon the hate in...


Dargaard - Only The Blind Can See...

Down the halls, Where no light glows- Where once was life Now shadows move. Without mind, Without a will They search... And never fade away, The end of all paths is their aim, But never they will find again...


Dargaard - Seelenlos

Blind eyes that see more as what is hidden in your face blind eyes see the skull behind your skin. It feels you're growing older with every second. It sees your decay in every minute. A soulless corpse with wings of...


Dargaard - The Infinite

Which way is the right path As I stand upon This chaotic crossroad of hate... How many ways Are there to roam On this dark and damned Road of fate... There are many ways my son, To find where the souls Of demons...


Dargaard - The Isolated Vale

Lyrics by Tharen Forlorn it lies the vale in the storms In solitude since the beginning of time Forgotten, lost and only visited By the icy winds that make The surronding mountains rugged Together with the waters which...


Dargaard - Thy Fleeing Time

Lyrics by Q. Horatius Flaccus Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume, labuntur anni nec pietas moram rugis er instanti senectae adferet indomitarque morti; non, si trecenis, quotquot eunt dies, amice, places inlacrimabilem...


Dargaard - Underworld Domain

"I never lived elsewhere Than in dimensions of fear. My spirit is enthroned in the land Of the silent moving shadows. Where a deep red fountain Keeps a thousand lakes of blood. And the stairways to nowhere Are the only...


Dargaard - Winter

I call forth the cold The coming signs of winter The coming signs of winter Black hands raised to the sky Silhouettes of trees with no more leaves Growing on their long lean twigs Soul mirrors showing me A shadowed...