Тексты песен «Die Young»


Die Young - Alive With Madness

I spent the sleepless nights of youth alive with madness with only concern for the truth, I walked this world alone nothing could suffice this hateful heart of mine be it blessing, or be it curse, to live with open...


Die Young - Among The Ruins

The child's mind was in upheaval the veil of all that he had ever known had been torn to shreds revealing a world he could not bear to comprehend as paradise is lost the unraveling begins we were born with a static...


Die Young - Anthem Of The Prodigal Son

Raised too high too soon in the game sowed all my seeds still waiting for rain life has come to mean writhing in pain but I don't regret a fucking thing... what a petty waste of time--your politics, your dollar...


Die Young - Become The Change

The flames of youth most often burn blind and brief Our days are ours to seize until we're faced with reality Then we feel the hammer fall It's impact we cannot deny Can't you hear the masses call: "Get back in...


Die Young - Begging For Blindness

In the mirror, she stares in dismay could it really be that she looks this way? she wishes her body would fit the mold if only our hearts weren't so fucking cold... he'll embrace every image he's taught to be...


Die Young - Believe In Nothing

Dismiss all that's wrong or right only the blind see in black and white the cycles of cruelty have been passed down for centuries as our relentless pursuit of truth absolute has kept us on our knees... awaiting...


Die Young - Carried By Visions

Aggression boiling over with nowhere to go We find no peace at home so we shave our heads and take to the road! Carried by four wheels and visions of A better life outside the walls - beyond the fucking lies Of this...


Die Young - Distant Memories

The dark skies hang over our heads In the shadows of towers we dance, Oblivious as the earth suffocates under the heels of human advance And with each step forward we forge a path we'll live to regret The children...


Die Young - Drawn In Quarters

Welcome to hell life with open eyes nails driven in with each cursed site illumination exacts a painful price the less I have, the more I know cliches never rang so true there are daggers in the smiles of the men...


Die Young - Fool's Gold

What is left of our lives as we leave the marketplace with our store-bought dreams? as the sheep allow themselves to be bought and sold the corporate giants are taking hold enslaving us to convenience and commodity...


Die Young - For The Kids

Struggling to keep it alive But we're lost in the dark I still believe these words can light the way We'll never give up the struggle Even when it looks like there's no hope What so many have cast aside We still...


Die Young - For The Pernicious Race

We are the locusts, we are the plague infecting this world with our disease we took a pure world, assumed it was our place and then drowned it in concrete we've turned this world into a living hell yet still we...


Die Young - Fuck The Imperialists

Fuck the imperialists the war-mongers in white collars placing profits over people history has been written by biased hands in their favor we will be the ones who suffer the blowback of their crimes against humanity...


Die Young - Ghost Towns

Among the ruins of this city and the thousand more alike Livelihoods have been devoured The streets seem to have been deserted Only shadows dare stalk the night-- Those human shells discarded by the system They...


Die Young - Graven Images

Two thousand years and nothing has changed Still, palaces stand in your savior's name Dominion: the righteous path of his children to rule the weak and squash the helpless Fair christian, I too await the day on...


Die Young - Light Of Our Misery

Piece by piece everything falls apart... yet I am still here clinging to my dignity what else is left but to believe in some kind of change? the storm may come and decimate all I've worked to create but I will...


Die Young - Lonely At The Top

He sprayed his brains upon the wall - another masterpiece May he rest in peace... Behind flimsy facades of safety, comfort and luxury, Their hearts hearken the call of siren songs in their secret dreams To lust and...


Die Young - M.A.D.

The webs they* weave will be designs of our demise reckless in this nuclear age with better judgment paralyzed they've sent our noble sons into a holy war we can't undo now there's no escape and a fiery hell to pay...


Die Young - Making A Killing

Succumb to whims of the machine We are mere playthings of corrupt industries Our health is pawned into private sectors by the pharaohs of our time We submit with wallets, willing, Grovelling for scraps and relief...


Die Young - My Only Surrender

This is my only surrender I felt my walls crumble down naked and vulnerable afraid to embrace the light of love everyday, the scars were there symptoms of a subconscious fear I chose to walk the path of hate I...