Тексты песен «Gutter Sirens»
Gutter Sirens - A Co Ja Wro|Ka
Ze wszystkich [wiata stron Puszczaj w obieg lk Postmodernizmu faBsz co drugim wieszczem jest Przepowiadaj wci| zagBad wszystkich nas A koniec [wiata miaB by ju| nie jeden raz Cho masy wierz I'm I boj si co...
Gutter Sirens - Appearances
Do you remember boundless land Freedom surrounded us like river when going hand in hand Simplicity of rainbow colours Today only memories - maybe you've lost them? I've seen a large arena with a lion in it's central...
Gutter Sirens - Brak Zdecydowania
W moim otoczeniu kobiet istne mrowie Kto podpowie ktor, sobie w wzi WedBug mego gustu ka|da atrakcyjn jest Mama kiedy[ chciaBa, |ebym wziB bogat Lecz I biedna zachwyciBa mnie Nie zdecydowany jestem po dzi[ dzieD...
Gutter Sirens - Chameleon
Like a flag on the wind Like a drop among the waves Unnoticed you melt with a crowd For the other you are party leader just On different occasions she'd tears Like a chameleon you adjust Why man do you still change...
Gutter Sirens - Deszczowe Lato
Wiar w pogodny [wit Rozwiewa wiatru gniew Do taDca chmury zaprosiB dzi[ Dlaczego zimny pot Wci| towarzyszy I'm Deszczowe lato trwa kolejny rok Mo|e kiedy[ chmury znajd inny kraj Tcz po|egnaj nas Ale dzisiaj...
Gutter Sirens - Diamond Tear
When you drop off to A deep sleep drop off under pressure Of a gloomy day When you go ahead with virginal purity To recast the diamond tear You will find a Judas' kiss in it a renewed wounds' sign A crimson face of a...
Gutter Sirens - Drzewa
W bez ruchu milczenia biernie musz trwa Chocia| ich korony tarmoszone s przez wiatr Po|ywieniem sBoDce, a napojem chBodny deszcz Jedyn rozrywk jest wieczorny ptakow [piew Ptakow trel dziki drzewom dla nas brzmi...
Gutter Sirens - Figure In The Fog
Now when you're gone our hearts are broken But what remained is the happiness of knowing you The immense grief and immense pain Accompany us every night in vain In the fog with dignity you left Only the invisible cry...
Gutter Sirens - Forgotten Song
Forgotten sounds from the days of the past The music scores full of notes as the sky of the stars Where are they Where is cast The melody of the past Now with the music for naive The whole world is fed On the other...
Gutter Sirens - Horror Makers
(Every night, every day Entertainment made of fear) I wander through the streets of fear I approach the crossing The brightest is the red star Which demands too much from me I walk along the desert road The physical...
Gutter Sirens - Ju| Si Nie Boj
Nowe pokolenia nie ustanie rodz lek Wojownicy nocy, ktorym celu w |yciu brak Cho kochanie, znowu utworzymy nowy ld Bdziesz wysp pikn okrtem bd ja Nie chce dBu|ej |y w przemocy W takiej d|ungli wegetacja jest...
Gutter Sirens - Looking For The Night
Lit with the flash of lightning The mother of solitude and poets Always in black, gowned in dignity Peaceful, calm but still dangerous Haunt me Hug me Wrap me in the scraf woven of silver stars Haunt me Hug me...
Gutter Sirens - Lullaby
Lie down The great giant Quietly go to sleep Your troubles, problems and complaints will disappear You'll relieve your pain for a while Look how stars twinkle In the garden cicadas begin their song Stop your fight for...
Gutter Sirens - Memory Analysis
Imprisoned in the enchanted theatre I witness strange changes I see a wizard who under the ballast of years Visits the land where heavy sleep ranges He dreamt about days when he was young In what way he perceived the...
Gutter Sirens - Monologues
Silence and calmness are killed each day Hope and love you change into pathological scream They live under one roof for a couple of years But still they are strangers He drinks too much She feeds him with hatred, anger...
Gutter Sirens - On The Other Side
Filled with the magic power You wander across the corridors of the past Visit the places soaked with the mystery The loud cry of the people of history Figures imprisoned in the frames of eternity Observe your...
Gutter Sirens - Przebaczenie
ChBodny wieczor, wiatr dotyka twarz W zamy[leniu chBon noc Pewno[ siebie oddaliBa chyba nas Wiara w swoje utrapienie Gdzie jest moj dom BBdz, pytam jak daleko std Jak daleko twoja my[l Jeszcze troch, wiem...
Gutter Sirens - Tears In Dragon's Eyes
Who believes in fairy tales That often a moral avail The gift of teaching glitters bright Who believes in witches, trolls and Aladdin's power Almost nobody enters dimension of no pain Tears in dragon's eyes invisible...
Gutter Sirens - The Death Of The Day
When you get a gift cherish it with your look Warm touch, the joy of the moment, the spark in your eye When you forgive something, even million of faults You are the candle's light, the warrior without a weapon Look,...
Gutter Sirens - The Enchanted Place
In the land of eternal blizzards In the valley of the whispers of rocks My thoughts live during the night They surround me They whirl in the vortex of dreams here and there Calmness is the blessing or a punishment...