Тексты песен «Korzus»


Korzus - Agony

Buried alive suffering day by day The black forces in your own hell's throat Death's shout paralyses your sense Pleasure in suffering cries out for blood Fear From side to side Pain crossing in pur minds...


Korzus - Anjo Do Mal

Pessoas malignas fazem a revolu??o Para a escurid'o triunfar Sinto-me invadido por sua for'a Grandes calafrios cortam minhas v'sceras Meu esp'rito est? sobre as garras do mal Minha mente possu'da clama por seu nome Pois...


Korzus - Beyond The Limits Of Insanity

The heroes are silent money brings power The heroes are deaf money lights the way The heroes are resting Money is peace My crime is to die My crime is to die My crime is to die My crime is to die...


Korzus - Blood For Blood

Among so many lies I take a mirror out of my mind Under the ashes my memories fall like stars Blood for blood Throw my reality into your pain Break my handcuffs let me talk to your soul Every ay my eyes...


Korzus - Born To Kill

The end resistence arrived It can't be changed anymore The black night comes to warm Her belly cames the sin His soul is his power The damned return to kill The time is now, it's the end Listen to what he will say :...


Korzus - Brain Wash

My brain has been changed You hear my screams My blood flows painfully You hear my plea I am in my tomb With hands tied I am stuck in the rot The fever is the brain wash The surgery is near the end There are no...


Korzus - Caminhando Nas Trevas

Caminhando seu luz nas terras dos homens Aprisionamos os crentes em nome do mal Somos filhos da ira de L'cifer E com seu sangue proclamaremos o final Lutamos com f'ria na negra batalha Rasgando seus c'rebros em...


Korzus - Elm Street

Spew the blood from your mind Sharp razors are cutting you Death in your dreams is your nightmare Escape, hide yourself, don't go crazy There is no peace, he's a bastard Crazy revenge marked on you Live in the dream...


Korzus - Guerra Nuclear

Mentes at'micas que desafiam o sistema Ditam as regras do inferno nuclear S'o eles os demonios da eterna maldi??o Encarnados em reis de imp'rios mortais Possu'dos pela iram explodir'o o seu mundo Ouvindo a voz do senhor...


Korzus - Guerreiros Do Metal

Est? na hora de rompermos todas as barreiras Nem trov'es nem tempestades mudar'o nossos passos Faremos da realidade o metal pesado E ningu'm vai conseguir nos deter Porque lutamos pelo metal Com a energia n's somos...


Korzus - Inutil

A gente n'o sabemos escolher presidente A gente n'o sabemos tomar conta da gente A gente n'o sabemos nem escovar os dentes Tem gringo pensando que n'is ? indigente In'til A gente somos in'til In'til A gente somos...


Korzus - Kids Of The Streets

When you don't sleep in the cold When you don't steal to eat There are many children Living in the streets A man-child who knows the ropes A man-child who talks loud The sickness is in the streets and whoever feeds...


Korzus - Living In Pain

Sold men humanity dressed itself in pain Sheep manipulated by evil minds They accept the rules destroy them Surround by walls I feel death What can I do? My heart beats slowly blind me as a bliyyard How many days have...


Korzus - Mass Illusion

Your memory confuses Past, present and future Their money poisons their dignity how many more are there like you An acid jacket will be your present their attitude will be your judgement after that... you will receive...


Korzus - Midnight Madness

A weak mind in search of pity His brain is erupting A young face ready to be betrayed Alone, depressed, internally destroyed He never tried to fight To discover his own life Now he's just a toy A toy one step from halt...


Korzus - P.F.Y.L.

You fool yourself you lie to yourself The price is high and painful you pay for what they make you believe you pay for what you believe They promise worlds you vote for them after you pay, pay and pay You pay through...


Korzus - Principe Da Escuridao

Na escurid'o o assassino caminha Procurando pessoas com as almas perdidas Para satisfazer seus man'acos desejos E continuar o que j? come'ou No meio da noite ningu'm o percebe Pois os seus passos s'o frios como a morte...


Korzus - Raise Your Head

I don't breathe peace I'm suffocatinh in misery I feel my blood running I'm alive and I cry There is no enemy There is only greed Open your eyes and see the truth This is real Stop enough illusions


Korzus - The Dark Side Of The Mind

They say about me They prefer my defeat To reaching their own success They hurt me Like snakes They're betrayers They destroy my image In front of me are my friends Behind me my executioners Lies, lies !


Korzus - The Illuminated

Born under the eyes of the moon The arms of death can't embrace them His gift is unique It's the sign of fire He knows his mind is eternal From him Nothing can be hidden His life is dominated by premonitions His...