Тексты песен «Logar's Diary»


Logar's Diary - Bearer Of Light

Good day, my friends. You ask for my name? They call me Celas You need my hand  the warrior's power! I'll lend you my strength Bearer of light  a candle when darkness falls Freedom shall rise  here is the helping...


Logar's Diary - Casket Of The Last Resident

...And then the tower came in sight After the long and dreadful trail Hard were the fights on our way to the place where we found what we searched for: There is a casket unrevealed Inside it a treasure has been sealed...


Logar's Diary - Circle's Last Link

As we sought the beast our worries increased Would the tortured soul still be alive Celas smelled the demon's fear, Deep in the windings we drew near And faced them! Here we are  let us end it Three like one  strong...


Logar's Diary - Cursed Soul

Once the world grew cold The old times, I have forgotten them My life, it all was sold When tomb-like night fell over me Since then no light entered my soul Only the beast's howl filled the dark It held me as it's...


Logar's Diary - Dafajafa Vu

"Now many years have passed. I'm sitting at a waterfall and think of the adventures I Experienced. I remember S'kirrel and of course Axandria who left a hole in my heart. Somehow I miss the old times. And so I'm resting...


Logar's Diary - Daja Vu

"Now many years have passed. I'm sitting at a waterfall and think of the adventures I Experienced. I remember S'kirrel and of course Axandria who left a hole in my heart. Somehow I miss the old times. And so I'm resting...


Logar's Diary - Dark Destiny Of Parlainth

When the wizards tried to take the city back They caused an accident and everyone went mad The new dimension they moved to changed the atmosphere bad The sky over Parlainth turned from blue to black Many thousand...


Logar's Diary - Deja Vu

"Now many years have passed. I'm sitting at a waterfall and think of the adventures I experienced. I remember S'kirrel and of course Axandria who left a hole in my heart. Somehow I miss the old times. And so I'm resting...


Logar's Diary - Demon In The Kaer

"After a while we discovered the Kaer. Many frightening creatures were waiting there for us, but we fought with courage and finally found the diary in the heart of the Kaer. It was guarded by a huge abominable demon...


Logar's Diary - Earthdawn

Once in a time where steel helped to survive and magic existed to see the unspoken - the essential base of everything - in that time a land was growing which extended from the Wyrm Woods to the Death's Sea and from the...


Logar's Diary - Hirob's Words

So you want to come behind, discover Parlainth Everyone who tried before went home disappointed I know the only man who can clear the whole haze He has died, but his soul lives in a hidden case But beware if you decide...


Logar's Diary - Home Of The Traders - Barterstown

"In the forecourt of Throal lies Barterstown, Barsaive's biggest market. It's a place where all different species and cultures gather and trade. Together with the beautiful Axandria and S'kirrel we were amazed at the...


Logar's Diary - Iostros

"The king allowed us to collaborate with his secret service. With the information provided by them we discovered that the magician behind the evil plan was a man from Thera called Iostros. He was one of the most popular...


Logar's Diary - King's Hall

"After arriving in Throal, leaving Barterstown behind, we managed to get an audience with the king. As a proof handed over the Windling's diary. I still can't believe talking to the ruler of Throal in the King's...


Logar's Diary - Lonely On The Serpent River

"We - my friend S'kirrel and me - were sailing on our ship on the back of the Serpent River, the biggest river in Barsaive. Suddenly we discovered a body drifting in the river. As we came closer, I noticed that this was...


Logar's Diary - My Love Still Exists

"It was a dreadful fight but we were victorious once again. But the joy of victory was spoilt by the conversation I had with Axandria afterwards. Although we both admitted to love each other, we agreed to walk separated...


Logar's Diary - Parlainth

Once, in a time before the great plague, which forced the people to employ any means to eliviate it, the splendour and the pride of Parlainth were unbroken. But evil soon threatened not only Parlainth's wealth and...


Logar's Diary - Parlainth's Discovery

Once the world was split and broken Now it is whole again That night a lost piece reappeared It's face revealed itself distorted and deformed We see our past lost and betrayed Since mystery revealed it's cursed fate...


Logar's Diary - Seance Rebirth

Smoke is the serpent's flickering tongue! It floats, surrounds the sleeping child Contains the unscrewed hands Which can become the endusted key Freeing the one that shall never Be free Liberabitur, qui non liberandus...


Logar's Diary - The Restless Troll

At night you roam through Heaven, heading for Parlainth You seek information of the lost city There is only one place where you might succeed Near the gate to mystery you'll find what you need Welcome to the Restless...