Тексты песен «M»


M - Men Of Worth

MEN of WORTH (Archie Fisher) Leave the land behind, laddie, better days to find The companies have the money and they'll soon teach you the skills Green fields fall away, the forties and the brae Be a madman or a...


M - Mercedes Benz

MERCEDES BENZ (Janis Joplin & Michael McClure) O Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz? My friends all have Porsches I must make amends Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends O Lord, won't you buy me a...


M - Merchants Sone

THE MERCHANT'S SONE A merchant's son, he lived in wrong And tae the beggin' he has gone; He mounted on a noble steed And awa' wi' pleasure he did ride. cho: Fal al the dooral i do Fal al the day. A beggar wench...


M - Mermaid Rule Britannia

MERMAID (RULE BRITANNIA) Oh 'twas in the broad Atlantic, mid the equinoctial gale That a young fellow fell overboard among the sharks and whales And down he went as a streak of light, so quickly down went he Until he...


M - Metrorail Song

THE METRORAIL SONG Let me tell you a story of a man named Charley, It's a tragic and fateful tale: He bought a dollar farecard at Takoma station Went to ride on the Metrorail. But did he ever return? No, he never...


M - Michael Blanns Drinking Song

Michael Blann's Drinking Song If you are sick, 'twill make you well Put you in condition The man who will drink Blann's Good Beer Has need of no physician Blann it is the beer for me A pint of it's so handy It's as...


M - Mickey Mouse

MICKEY MOUSE C Am F G7 C What's the best examination made for you and me? C Am F G7C M I C K E Y M O U S E C Am F G7 C How...


M - Midnight Special

Midnight Special (Leadbelly) Well you wake up in the morning. Hear the ding dong ring, You go a-marching to the table, See the same damn thing; Well, it's on a one table, Knife, a fork and a pan, And if you...


M - Mighty Mississippi

Mighty Mississippi Way out in the Mississippi valley Just among the plains so grand, Flows the flooded Mississippi River Destroying the works of man. With her waters at the highest That all man has ever known, She...


M - Migrant Song

THE MIGRANT SONG or SEE HOW THE LAND YIELDS UP HER TREASURE by Peter Krug Up from El Centro and San Bernadino Bakersfield, Fresno, Meder, Merced Salinas and Stockton, up to Sacramento Santa Rosa and Red Bluff and...


M - Mike Fink

MIKE FINK Well, my daddy was a bear in the Allegheny Mountains And my mother was a 'gator in the Ohio I was born full-growed at the forks of the river And I cut my teeth on a catfish bone Oh, my name is Mike Fink,...


M - Mill O Tiftys Annie

Mill O' Tifty's Annie At Mill O' Tifty there lived a man In the neighborhood of Fyvie He had a bonnie dochter dear Whose name was Bonnie Annie Lord Fyvie had a trumpeter By the name o' Andrew Lammie He had the art tae...


M - Mill Worker

The Mill Worker (James Taylor) My grandfather was a sailor, he blew in 'cross the water My daddy was a farmer, and I his only daughter I took up with a no-good mill-working man from...


M - Miller And The Lass

THE MILLER AND THE LASS A pretty little maid so neat and gay, To the mill she went one day, A sack of corn she had to grind But there no miller could she find cho: Tiddy fol, tiddy fol tiddy fol le day Rite fol...


M - Miller Of Dee Jolly Miller

THE MILLER OF DEE (Jolly Miller) There was a jolly miller once Lived on the river Dee ; He work'd and sang from morn till night, No lark more blithe than he. And this the burden of his aong Forever used to be- I care...


M - Miller Tae My Trade

MILLER TAE MY TRADE I am a miller tae my trade And that sae weel ye ken oh I am a miller tae my trade And that sae well ye ken oh I am a miller tae my trade, aye And mony a sack o' meal I've made And mony a lassie I...


M - Millers Will

MILLER'S WILL There was an old miller by everyone known He had three sons was all nigh grown When he came to die and make his will He had nothing to give but an old tub* mill He called up his eldest son He says, "My...


M - Milwaukee Blues

Milwaukee Blues SOURCE: Bob Pfeffer SOURCE'S SOURCE: Charlie Poole COMMENTS: AKA: Jay Gould's Daughter The "blind" is an enclosed box beyond the coal car where crews...


M - Miner Lad

MINER LAD As I walked out one morning, one morning in the spring, I heard a maiden singing, so sweetly did she sing. She sang about her miner lad, she sang so pleasantly: 'Of all the lads in our town, it's a miner's...


M - Miners Childs Dream

The Miner's Child's Dream SOURCE: Bob Pfeffer SOURCE'S SOURCE: Doc Watson TEXT: D G D A miner was leaving his home for his work D E7 A7 When he heard his...