Тексты песен «National Anthem»


National Anthem - Cameroon Native Anthem Text

O Cameroun berceau de nos ancatres, va debout et jaloux de ta liberta, comme un soleil ton drapeau fier doit etre, un symbole ardent de foi et d'unita, Chorus: Chare Patrie, Terre cherie, Tu es notre seul et vrai...


National Anthem - Canada Anthem Text

Official Lyrics of O Canada! O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on...


National Anthem - Canada Native Anthem Text

O Canada, terre de nos aieux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux. Car ton bras sait porter l'apae, Il sait porter la croix. Ton histoire est une apopae Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempae,...


National Anthem - Cayman Island Anthem Text

- O land of soft, fresh breezes And verdant trees so fair, With the Creator's glory Reflected ev'rywhere, O sea of palest em'rald, Merging to darkest blue, Whene'er my thoughts fly Godward, I always think of you. Dear,...


National Anthem - Chile Native Anthem Text

Dulce Patria recibe los votos con que Chile en tus aras jura que, o la tumba seras de los libres, o el asilo contra la opresian. 1.- Ha cesado, la lucha sangrienta ya es hermano, el que ayer opresor; del vasallo...


National Anthem - China Anthem Text

Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves; With our very flesh and blood Let us build our new Great Wall! The peoples of China are in the most critical time, Everybody must roar his defiance. Arise! Arise! Arise! Millions of...


National Anthem - Colombia Native Anthem Text

Coro: Oh gloria inmarcesible ! Oh Jabilo inmortal ! En surcos de dolores El bien germina ya ! I Cesa la horrible noche ! la libertad sublime derrama las auroras de su invencible luz. La humanidad entera, que entre...


National Anthem - Costa Rica Native Anthem Text

Noble patria tu hermosa bandera expresian de tu vida nos da bajo el lampido azul de tu cielo blanca y pura descansa la paz En la lucha tenaz, de fecunda labor que enrojece del hombre la faz conquistaron tus hijos...


National Anthem - Croatia Anthem Text

Our Beautiful Homeland ----------------------------- Beautiful is our homeland, O so fearless, o so gracious, Our fathers' ancient glory, May God bless you, live forever! You are our only glory, You are our only...


National Anthem - Croatia Native Anthem Text

"Lijepa nasa domovino, Oj junacka zemljo mila, Stare slave djedovino, da bi vazda sretna bila! Mila, kano si nam slavna, Mila si nam ti jedina. Mila kuda si nam ravna, Mila, kuda si planina! Teci Dravo, Savo teci, Nit'...


National Anthem - Cuba Native Anthem Text

Al combate corred bayameses que la patria os comtempla orgullosa no temais una muerte gloriosa que morir por la patria es vivir En cadenas vivir es morir en afrenta y oprobio sumidos del clarin escuchad el sonido a las...


National Anthem - Cyprus Anthem Text

I shall always recognise you By the dreadful sword you hold, As the earth, with searching vision, You survey, with spirit bold. 'Twas the Greeks of old whose dying Brought to birth our spirit free. Now, with ancient...


National Anthem - Cyprus Native Anthem Text

Segnorees apo tin kopsi too spathyoo tin tromeri; Segnorees apo tin opsi poo me vya metra tin yee. Ap ta kokkala vyalmenee ton elleenon ta ye ra Ke san prawt' anthreeomenee hyer'o hyeri eleftherya. Ke san prawt'...


National Anthem - Czech Republic Native Anthem Text

Kde domov muj Kde domov muj, kde domov muj, voda huci po lucinach, bory sumi po skalinach, v sade skvi se jara kvet, zemsky raj to na pohled! A to je ta krasna zeme, zeme ceska domov muj, zeme ceska domov muj! Sent by...


National Anthem - Denmark Anthem Text

A lovely land is ours A lovely land is ours With beeches green about her Encircled by the sea Her hills and vales are manifold Her name, of old, is Denmark And she is Freya's home In days of long-ago This land was home...


National Anthem - Denmark Native Anthem Text

Der er et yndigt land orig. tekst af Adam Oehlenschlager oversat til engelsk af Peter Ravn Rasmussen Der er et yndigt land, Det star med brede bage Nar salten asterstrand; Det bugter sig i bakke, dal, Det hedder gamle...


National Anthem - Dominica Anthem Text

Isle of beauty, isle of splendour, Isle to all so sweet and fair, All must surely gaze in wonder At thy gifts so rich and rare. Rivers, valleys, hills and mountains, All these gifts we do extol. Healthy land, so like...


National Anthem - Ecuador Native Anthem Text

CORO aSalve oh Patria, mil veces! aOh Patria! agloria a ti! Y a tu pecho rebosa gozo y paz, y tu frente radiosa mas que el sol contemplamos lucir. ESTROFAS Indignados tus hijos del yugo Cedia al fin la fierezaespaaola,...


National Anthem - Egypt Anthem Text

My homeland, my homeland, my hallowed land, Only to you, is my due hearty love at command, My homeland, my homeland, my hallowed land, Only to you is my due hearty love at command, Mother of the great ancient land, My...


National Anthem - El Salvador

CORO DEL HIMNO Saludemos la Patria orgullosos de hijos suyos podernos llamar; y juremos la vida animosos sin descanso a su bien consagrar. PRIMERA ESTROFA De la paz en la dicha suprema, siempre noble soao El...