Тексты песен «Nuclear Death»


Nuclear Death - The Colour Of Blood

Creatures born in darkness and the dampness of the earth cast in stone and hidden by the lords of another world... The legions who await yearn to have this world when the words spoken by their master awaken their...


Nuclear Death - The Human Seed

I planted a row of fetus this morning found them in the garbage behind a clinic I grow impatient after a week of waiting they have yet to show sign of growth I gave them vitamins and gave them my feces. and yet they...


Nuclear Death - The Misshapen Horror

Dare we speak, lest our voices be heard above the din of an unnatural birth, a birth of many generations at once and we it's keepers watch this horror from below take form... Dare we say, we consecrate this union of...


Nuclear Death - Vampirism

I tell myself vampires do not exist but the woman took me to her world and blessed me with her toungue then I came to my senses and became aware of my surroundings torches cast light upon the many skulls dried viscera...


Nuclear Death - Vultures Feeding

Look what's become of you; lost for days beneath the scorching sun, without water you'll never last, but we'll wait... Now we sense you're almost dead, our noon day meal has come at last, carrion baked in the sun, we...