Тексты песен «Richard Shindell»


Richard Shindell - A Summer Wind, A Cotton Dress

I was hers and you were his The night we met out on that bridge You knew then what I know now That love put down comes back some how The comet came, the comet went And hid its face in the firmament I looked once and...


Richard Shindell - Acadian Driftwood

The war was over and the spirit was broken The hills were smokin' as the men withdrew We stood on the cliffs Oh, and watched the ships Slowly sinking to their rendezvous They signed a treaty and our homes were taken...


Richard Shindell - Are You Happy Now

You took the toaster when you went You never paid your half the rent You took the spices from the rack But you don't have to put them back Cause in your haste on Halloween You left your camera on the bed Where we played...


Richard Shindell - Arrowhead

Mama, if you could see me now I'm not the boy you knew in Macon town They found a uniform about my size It's a little big I guess, but that's alright Mama, if you could see me know Mama, they're treating me right well...


Richard Shindell - Cancion Sencilla

Amor mio, me da verguenza No haberte escrito antes Aunque siempre queria La verdad es que no podia Que decirte? Soy medio lento Me llevo todos estos anos Aprender tu hermosa lengua Y todavia no alcanza Asi que te...


Richard Shindell - Che Guevara T-Shirt

Unburdened of their passengers The taxis have all scattered The hawkers move their tables out They'll be selling no more leather The Oslo Queen is set to sail From the Port of Buenos Aires The ropes are thrown and the...


Richard Shindell - Deportee ( Plane Wreck At Los Gatos )

The crops are all in and the peaches are rotting The oranges are packed in their creosote dumps They're flying 'em back to that Mexico border To take all their money to wade back again My father's own father, he waded...


Richard Shindell - Fenario

True my love, but cold the wind That howls against the cabin door Sweet the night, but cruel the day That comes to take my love away The fire-light now flickering down Across the room, the sickle moon Casting slim and...


Richard Shindell - Fourth Of July, Asbury Park

Sandy, the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight Forcin' a light into all those stony faces left stranded on this warm July Down in town the circuit's full of switchblade lovers, so fast, so shiny, so sharp As...


Richard Shindell - Gray Green

Gray green - his baby's eyes are gray green She closes them and sleep comes To carry her away He's singing: noni, noni, noni Even though she's long gone Down into his arms A siren is crying way off in the distance...


Richard Shindell - Hazel's House

There's a two-lane county road in northern Jersey Winding up a hill beside a lake Just before the road winds to an end Is Hazel's house Long white picket fence around the front yard A wagon wheel someone made into a...


Richard Shindell - Lawrence, Ks

Dirt roads and dryland farming might be the death of me But I can't leave this world behind My debts are not like prisons where there's hope of getting free And I can't leave this world behind I've been from here to...


Richard Shindell - Memory Of You

It's uncanny It's something strange It's something I have Long tried to ignore Behind the curtain Behind the door If I keep my eyes cast down It just might go away It's got no name It's got no shape It can't be...


Richard Shindell - Next Best Western

It's the middle of the night Near the Indiana line I'm pulling in a Christian station The signal's crystal clear But I cannot really hear What he says about the Revelation I am wretched, I am tired But the preacher is...


Richard Shindell - Nora

New York has been buried in snow since last Saturday The papers said the storm had passed over you Thank you for the play you wrote about Heloise And her injury at the hand of an almighty memory And I might have...


Richard Shindell - Northbound 35

Northbound 35 Through the iron hills Under infidel skies It's two hundred miles to drive You won't be home I saw an elsebound train On the overpass In the driving rain Every ticket costs the same For where you can't...


Richard Shindell - On A Sea Of Fleur De Lis

I adore thee Mother Mary But would you change me back to a witch And let me live in the arms of a sorry old elm Give the gypsy moths a realm of their own For a postman's fee would I work for Thee From that tree would I...


Richard Shindell - Reunion Hill

Must've been in late September When last I climbed Reunion Hill I fell asleep on Indian Boulder And dreamed a dream I will not tell I came home as the sun went down One eye trained upon the ground Even now I find their...


Richard Shindell - Senor ( Tales Of Yankee Power )

Seaor, seaor, do you know where we're headin'? Lincoln County Road or Armageddon? Seems like I been down this way before Is there any truth in that, seaor? Seaor, seaor, do you know where she's hidin'? How long are we...


Richard Shindell - So Says The Whipporwill

The change could happen anyday So says the whippoorwill She hangs around for the seeds I leave Out on the windowsill 'Be-free-you-fool, be-free-you-fool' She sings all afternoon Then, as if to show me how it's done, She...