Тексты песен «Sig:Ar:Tyr»


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Sleep Of The Sword

To ride out of Hel, and into the light To feel it's warmth, to see the sunrise To die again, to ride with the gods To fight alongside, the blood chosen ones Together, the north star will steer our ship home to his hall...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Snowborne

"Praise not... the ice until it has been crossed." --...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Sonatorrek

The spear-god shared Spoil with me, My oath was to Odin, He gave me aid: Now that maker of mystic Runes only mocks me, Voids all my victories, That breaker of vows I'll make offerings to Odin, Though not in...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Sword From An Unknown Hand

Were you forged by the Smith, of sturdy metal, and terrible blood oaths were you made... Were you held by the Farmer, to ward the home and hearth, the land and soil... Were you held by the Widow, husband lost in battle,...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Tears For Baldur

"And if all things in the world, alive and dead, weep for him, Then he shall go back to the Aesir, but he be kept with Hel If any objects or refuses to...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - The Dead Giant's Tale

Beneath a single brightened star, Spinning round both near and far A frozen throne lies cold and sleeping And held the giant, tall and weeping "For eternal winters, lost in time, I weep for all my etin kind The blood...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - The Way (The Path Less Chosen)

Silently I wait in answer, searching for the key Elder souls of time forgotten, searching to be free Spinning forth my soul child further, far beyond this world Unleash the lost sun, burning brighter, let it light my...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - To Cronia

[Halvdan:] - "The seas, they're... they're whispering!" The black sun rises over the northern sky Our prow breaks the ice before us The sea below lies stagnant, it's foetid breath the air of dead men. Their eyes stare...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Under The Dragon Star

[Halvdan:] - "The crew is restless, we have lost three to exposure already. I plead with you, turn back, before it's too late and we all perish!" [Vidar:] - "If we turn back now we will be as good as dead anyway, And...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Under The Mountain

Deep in the darkness, where stars cannot see Where rivers flow inward, where souls cannot be Beyond the horizon, of fallen stars dreaming The dark sun burns brighter, than sky brothers gleaming From star-born creation,...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Urd

Drink from Urd, and sing it's song It's mead of knowledge sweet and strong The mists of time and port of call The beginning and the end of all Star borne lay with wives of men Their daughters great with etin kin...


Sig:Ar:Tyr - Verdandi

Dead Giant - "Now that I have shown the past, We must sail for what comes to pass, Your blood kin break the circles fate, To turn the tides with might and hate!" She sees smoke rise upon the hill Clouding all with ash...