Тексты песен «Skull & Bones»


Skull & Bones - E.B.E.

Nineteen forty seven, Two spacecrafts crashed In a big storm At New Mexico. Many bodies found And one were alive. To him, they named EBE and Noah. EBE means Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. Debries and ebes Were...


Skull & Bones - Good Guys

I will talk about alien races That are benign to mankind Telosians from Earth help us to understand Our ancient history and restore human longevity Lyrans from lyra spread unique history On nordic human race on the...


Skull & Bones - Military Industrial Et Complex

The military industrial ET complex And some alien races Signed a treaty Mainly with the country Of United States What they gained In return of this? The Short Grays abduct civilians And make experiments They monitor...


Skull & Bones - No Return Ticket To Mars

[Verse] I wanted a new beggining The world was hopeless Full of hatred and mischief I enlisted To a trip to mars With a no return ticket The tests were harder, But I was more, No one could had stopped me. Yes,...


Skull & Bones - The Brotherhood Of Snake

Ea created homo sapiens to be suited for earth labor But later changed his mind about using spiritual enslavement. In the beginning the brotherhood was dedicated to dissemination Of spiritual knowledge and attainment of...


Skull & Bones - You Reap What You Saw

Verse: You are in future, as Merc (Mercenary) And are in a spaceship in space Running towards a planet To collect a mining cargo You don't expect find any life there, Just get there, collect and get back, To...