Тексты песен «Thy Majestie»
Thy Majestie - Anger Of Fate
Belli voces cum mortis campanis resonabant Ulciscendi cupiditas corpora et animos incendit "But destiny had already crowned his man: the Conqueror prevailed" Magnus cruciatus haroldis cord invasit Lookin' at this...
Thy Majestie - Cruenta Pugna
Music: Giuseppe Bondi and Dario Grillo Lyrics: Dario Grillo Contra tenebras et mortem pugnamus Contra omne malum ira incensi sumus Magnae vires adversae pugnant bellum perennem Gloria aeterna sit in his terris Perpetua...
Thy Majestie - Demons On The Crown
Rex normannus strenue vicit But the cruel bloodshed Suum bellicum animum commovit Kyrie eleison Reigns the calm over Sentlach On the distressed "lake of blood" Young men dead lie near me Valiant sons of Normandy...
Thy Majestie - Echoes Of War
Blow new winds on British destiny Et Contentio de solio inter reges orta est [Edward to Harold:] "Now on my deathbed I lie and when I'll fly on the black wings of Death you'll guide my reign" Words that led the empire...
Thy Majestie - Incipit Bellum
Audacibus erunt potestas et gloria Vivent semper Domino credunt Domino confidunt Omnibus cum viribus Ira caeli descendet in acies et in gladios Veniet et animos incendet contra hostes Celum et terra coniungent se Cum...
Thy Majestie - Mystery Of Forest
Music: Giuseppe Bondi Lyrics: Claudio Diprima Deep in the heart of the forest there is a mystery called the tree Kept by the elves they all know the secret to keep it alive To preserve the evil away Great forest...
Thy Majestie - Name Of Tragedy
[Teresia, crying, tells her son about his father's death. Oddly, Thy Majestie feels Heroid's soul near his own. He feels anger, and sadness, but deep in his heart he knows that, in the end, the good will win. Meanwhile,...
Thy Majestie - Nymph's Recall
Music and lyrics: Dario Grillo [Syphiride:] "Through your great feats your joys and pains I'll follow you even in disgrace" [Arther:] "Thank you my nymph thank you my fate... I'll try to remove the evil's hate"...
Thy Majestie - Rerum Memoria
Traduntur viri duo et eorum exercitus congressi esse in radicibus Hastings illa pugna cessit mire hodie questuus militum resonant in illis locis sacris illum factum mutavit in aeternum anglieae...
Thy Majestie - Sword Of Justice
Music: Giuseppe Bondi Lyrics: Claudio Diprima When the sun will stop to shine over the magical land of Dury Freedom and joy will disappear an age of darkness behind the fog All around silence and death, life in these...
Thy Majestie - Tears Of Sorrow
[Arter, back to Hataria, meets Airo, who tells Thy Majestie of his treachery and runs away from the forest: his sorrow is as huge as his...
Thy Majestie - The Green Lands
Music: Giuseppe Bondi Lyrics: Claudio Diprima [Fate:] When these lands are ready To be free and green Men will find the joy The joy of living with their hearts Born to be free, born to be tamed But always born to be...
Thy Majestie - The King And The Warrior
Crowned in January of 1066 (ten sixty six) Harold was set as king Formidable warrior, a braveheart he is William from Normandy Now the times are ripe for war To put again a men on the throne As defender of fate, the...
Thy Majestie - The Pride Of Housecarl
Thy Majestie - The Scream Of Taillefer
Duces instruxerunt copias in acie Impetus et timor mentis militium perturbaverunt Among the lines of the arrayments They could feel a strange call of death Et fervor pugnandi minuit Wait and dread prevailed over the...
Thy Majestie - The Sight Of Telham Hill
Riding to Hastings, Treading the stone Wretched of forces for the last war Harold arrived in time To stop the enemy's ride Near to defeat, he should collide With all William's ardour before he dies But his stubbornness...
Thy Majestie - Through The Bridge Of Spears
Blow the winds of bloodshed their immortal chilling breeze Widespread on the lands of Caldbec Hill Taking off my head this helmet that's what now I see My friends and foes united by their deadly destiny God have guided...
Thy Majestie - Thy Majestie Theme
[Arter, while dreaming, feels the arrive of Draita and his black troops. The fate shows him ancient battles where brave warriors defended the reign even by losing their lives and families. Visions of death and storms...
Thy Majestie - Time To Battle
Music: Giuseppe Bondi Lyrics: Dario Grillo When the time calls me through the storms and fires I will be there to defeat all the liars 'cause there's only one warrior who can face the Hell and its lord Without fear and...
Thy Majestie - Treachery
Music: Giuseppe Bondi Lyrics: Claudio Diprima I'm the servant of the crown now and forever No evil's bigger than the pain now I feel I damn my heart for few promises forever I keep on fighting, I make me strong My lie...